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We tried something new! A virtual hardware Capture the Flag competition. Congratulations to @noopwafel, @hanyrax, @vanema94, and Koen Koning from @vu5ec, who took first place. #57thDac

The @USENIX Security Symposium was a success! We’re honored to be a part of #usesec19. Thanks to Jason M Fung, Garrett Persyn, Prof. Jeyavijayan Rajendran, Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, and Ghada Dessouky for presenting on microarchitectural #security.

It’s the 28th annual @USENIX Security Symposium and we’re excited for a presentation on the findings of three Intel #security researchers. Get ready for a deep dive into microarchitectural security – and congrats to Arun, Hareesh, and Jason! #usesec19

Security Researchers Arun Kanuparthi & Hareesh Khattri are empowering tomorrow’s #security leaders at Hack@DAC. Teams from around the world participate in the student #hackathon to develop solutions for identifying weaknesses in buggy SoCs. #56DAC @56thDAC